Small Business

Enhancing Architectural Workflow: The Benefits of Timesheet Software like WeWorked

In the dynamic world of architecture, efficiency and organization are paramount. Architects often find themselves juggling numerous projects, deadlines, and client demands simultaneously. In such a demanding environment, the ability to effectively track time, manage tasks, and allocate resources can make all the difference between success and setbacks. This is where timesheet software like WeWorked steps in, offering architects a powerful tool to streamline their workflows and optimize productivity.

Streamlined Time Tracking

One of the primary benefits of using timesheet software like WeWorked is its ability to streamline time tracking. Architects typically work on multiple projects simultaneously, each with its own unique set of tasks and deadlines. Keeping track of the time spent on each project manually can be tedious and prone to errors. Timesheet software automates this process, allowing architects to effortlessly log their billable hours for each project in real-time.

By accurately tracking time spent on various tasks, architects gain valuable insights into their productivity levels and can make informed decisions about resource allocation. This data can also be leveraged for accurate billing, ensuring that clients are billed correctly for the work done.

Task Management and Prioritization

In the fast-paced world of architecture, effective task management is essential for staying on top of deadlines and delivering projects on time. Timesheet software like WeWorked offers robust task management features that enable architects to create, assign, and prioritize tasks effortlessly. By centralizing task management within the software, architects can ensure that everyone on the team is on the same page regarding project objectives and deadlines.

Moreover, timesheet software allows architects to track the progress of tasks in real-time, identify potential bottlenecks, and allocate resources accordingly. This proactive approach to task management helps architects stay ahead of schedule and deliver high-quality work consistently.

Resource Allocation and Budgeting

Effective resource allocation is crucial for the success of any architectural project. Timesheet software provides architects with a comprehensive overview of resource utilization, allowing them to identify areas where resources are underutilized or overallocated. By analyzing this data, architects can optimize resource allocation to ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget.

Furthermore, timesheet software like WeWorked offers robust budgeting features that enable architects to set project budgets, track expenses, and monitor project costs in real-time. By having a clear view of project expenses, architects can make informed decisions about resource allocation and identify potential cost-saving opportunities.

Enhanced Collaboration and Communication

Collaboration is key to the success of any architectural project, and timesheet software plays a crucial role in facilitating collaboration among team members. Timesheet software provides architects with a centralized platform where they can communicate, share files, and collaborate on projects in real-time. By fostering collaboration, timesheet software helps architects harness the collective expertise of their team members and deliver projects more efficiently.

Moreover, timesheet software offers built-in communication tools such as messaging and commenting, allowing team members to communicate seamlessly without switching between multiple platforms. This streamlined communication ensures that everyone on the team is on the same page regarding project objectives, deadlines, and deliverables.


In conclusion, timesheet software like WeWorked offers architects a powerful tool to streamline their workflows, optimize productivity, and deliver projects more efficiently. By automating time tracking, simplifying task management, facilitating resource allocation, and enhancing collaboration, timesheet software empowers architects to focus on what they do best – designing innovative and inspiring spaces. With the architectural industry becoming increasingly competitive, adopting timesheet software is no longer a luxury but a necessity for architects looking to stay ahead of the curve and deliver exceptional results.

Small Business

Efficiency Unleashed: Federal Contractors and WeWorked Timesheets

In the complex world of federal contracting, precision and transparency are non-negotiable. Accurate timekeeping is the backbone of successful project management, and federal contractors heavily rely on timesheets to meet the stringent demands of government contracts. This article delves into the pivotal role of timesheets for federal contractors, emphasizing the advantages of using WeWorked as a premier software solution for efficient time management.

  1. Meticulous Time Tracking for Compliance:

Federal contractors are subject to stringent regulations and oversight, making compliance a top priority. Timesheets serve as a compliance tool by documenting every hour worked on a project. The Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) and other regulatory bodies demand precise timekeeping to ensure that contractors are accountable for every dollar spent. WeWorked, with its user-friendly interface and robust features, enables contractors to effortlessly track and report time in compliance with these regulations.

  1. Real-time Visibility and Accountability:

WeWorked empowers federal contractors with real-time visibility into project timelines and employee activities. The software allows contractors to monitor tasks, track progress, and identify potential bottlenecks promptly. This level of transparency not only enhances accountability but also aids in proactive decision-making, ensuring that projects stay on schedule and within budget.

  1. Customizable Reporting for Enhanced Analysis:

WeWorked stands out for its customizable reporting features, allowing federal contractors to generate detailed reports tailored to their specific needs. This flexibility is invaluable for contractors working on diverse projects with varying requirements. The ability to analyze data at a granular level facilitates better resource allocation, cost estimation, and overall project management.

  1. Seamless Integration with Payroll and Invoicing:

One of the key strengths of WeWorked is its seamless integration with payroll and invoicing systems. Federal contractors can streamline their financial processes by directly linking timesheet data to payroll calculations and client invoicing. This integration not only reduces the risk of errors but also accelerates the billing cycle, ensuring contractors are promptly reimbursed for their services.

  1. User-Friendly Interface and Accessibility:

WeWorked’s intuitive interface simplifies the time tracking process, making it easy for employees and contractors alike. Its accessibility from various devices ensures that time tracking is not confined to the office, allowing contractors to capture billable hours accurately, even when working remotely. This flexibility aligns with the evolving nature of work environments, providing a solution that adapts to the needs of modern federal contractors.


In the dynamic landscape of federal contracting, efficient time management is a linchpin for success. WeWorked emerges as a standout solution, offering federal contractors a powerful tool for compliant, transparent, and streamlined timekeeping. With its customizable features, real-time visibility, and seamless integrations, WeWorked is undeniably the software of choice for contractors aiming to optimize their operations and deliver exceptional results on government contracts.

Small Business

Mastering Time Management: The Top 10 Time Tracking Software for 2024

As we step into 2024, the significance of efficient time management has never been more crucial. Whether you’re a freelancer, a small business owner, or part of a large enterprise, having the right time tracking software can make all the difference. In this article, we’ll explore the top 10 time tracking software options for 2024, each offering unique features and innovations to elevate your productivity.

  1. WeWorked: The Unrivaled Leader WeWorked secures its position as the top time tracking software for 2024, setting new standards with its intuitive interface, real-time insights, and robust project management capabilities. As a comprehensive solution, WeWorked continues to lead the way in optimizing workflow efficiency.
  2. Scoro: Scoro remains a powerhouse, combining time tracking with project management, client relations, and financial management. Its holistic approach makes it an excellent choice for businesses looking for an all-encompassing solution.
  3. BeeBole: BeeBole Timesheet stands out with its business intelligence features, providing companies with precise time tracking and insightful reports. Its adaptability to various company sizes and languages makes it a versatile option.
  4. Harvest: Harvest continues to impress with its simple yet impactful interface, facilitating easy work time logging, online invoicing, and expense tracking. It remains a go-to choice for those who value efficiency without compromising on functionality.
  5. Toggl: Toggl maintains its position as a top contender, offering a hassle-free time tracking experience that seamlessly integrates with various project management systems. Its user-friendly approach appeals to a diverse range of users.
  6. Avaza: Avaza’s time tracker excels in on-the-go efficiency, providing users with the flexibility to track time anywhere. Its automation features and transparency in billing make it a standout choice for businesses prioritizing streamlined processes.
  7. Replicon: Replicon remains a comprehensive solution for workforce management, offering precise time tracking, project budgeting, and expense management. Its appeal to large organizations seeking detailed overviews of time usage is unwavering.
  8. ClickTime: ClickTime continues to offer in-depth insights into both billable and employee time usage. As businesses strive for detailed analytics to enhance project budgeting and planning, ClickTime remains a reliable choice.
  9. Zoho Projects: Zoho Projects stands out with its integrated time tracking functionalities, seamlessly linking with invoicing features. As Zoho continues to expand its suite of applications, businesses benefit from a comprehensive ecosystem.
  10. Hubstaff: Hubstaff secures its place in the top 10 with its automatic online timesheet tool, providing features like activity tracking and customizable reports. Its versatility, especially in remote work scenarios, makes it a valuable asset for modern businesses.

Conclusion: As we navigate the evolving landscape of work in 2024, these top 10 time tracking software options offer the tools needed to master time management. From comprehensive solutions like WeWorked and Scoro to user-friendly options like Harvest and Toggl, businesses can choose the software that aligns with their unique needs. Embrace the future of efficient time tracking and elevate your productivity with these cutting-edge solutions in 2024.

Small Business

Empowering Nonprofits: How WeWorked Transforms Timesheet Management

Nonprofit organizations operate on a foundation of passion and dedication to their causes, relying heavily on the commitment of volunteers and staff. Efficiently managing time and resources becomes pivotal in maximizing impact while navigating limited budgets. WeWorked stands as a powerful ally, offering nonprofits a streamlined solution for timesheet management and resource allocation.

Simplifying Time Tracking

WeWorked provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface specifically designed to simplify timesheet management. Nonprofits can easily navigate the platform, allowing volunteers and staff to effortlessly log their hours spent on various projects and tasks. This simplicity ensures accurate tracking without the administrative burden.

Flexibility for Diverse Projects

Nonprofits often juggle multiple projects simultaneously. WeWorked’s flexibility allows organizations to create distinct projects within the platform, enabling the segregation of time spent on various initiatives. This feature fosters clarity in resource allocation and aids in budgeting for future projects.

Seamless Reporting and Analysis

The platform’s reporting tools offer valuable insights into resource distribution and time allocation. Nonprofits can generate comprehensive reports instantly, facilitating informed decision-making processes. These reports enable organizations to analyze trends, identify areas of high activity or resource strain, and optimize operations accordingly.

Fostering Transparency and Accountability

WeWorked promotes transparency and accountability among team members. Volunteers and staff can easily view their logged hours and contributions, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility within the organization. Managers can oversee and approve timesheets, ensuring accuracy and reliability in reporting.

Tailoring Features to Nonprofit Needs

WeWorked understands the unique needs of nonprofits and tailors its features accordingly. The platform accommodates volunteer tracking, allowing nonprofits to appreciate and acknowledge the invaluable contributions of their volunteers effectively.

Steps to Implement WeWorked in Nonprofits

  1. Onboarding and Training: Introduce the platform to staff and volunteers through training sessions or tutorials to ensure ease of adoption.
  2. Customization: Set up projects and tasks within WeWorked to reflect the organization’s structure and initiatives accurately.
  3. Encouraging Usage: Emphasize the importance of accurate time tracking and encourage regular use among team members.
  4. Review and Analysis: Regularly review generated reports to identify patterns and make informed decisions for future planning.


WeWorked emerges as a valuable asset for nonprofits seeking to optimize their time management and resource allocation strategies. Its user-friendly interface, coupled with robust features, streamlines timesheet management, fosters transparency, and empowers organizations to make informed decisions.

By embracing WeWorked, nonprofits can focus more on their core missions, knowing that their time and resources are efficiently managed. This transformative tool not only enhances operational efficiency but also contributes significantly to the overall impact and sustainability of nonprofits dedicated to creating positive change in their communities.

Small Business

The Crucial Role of Timesheet Systems for Government Contractors: WeWorked Leading the Way

Government contracting is a multifaceted landscape that demands precision, accountability, and compliance. In this domain, where time is not just a resource but a critical metric for success, implementing a robust timesheet system becomes imperative. Among the array of options available, WeWorked stands tall as a comprehensive solution tailored to meet the unique needs of government contractors.

Navigating Compliance and Regulations

For government contractors, adherence to stringent regulations and compliance standards is non-negotiable. WeWorked’s specialized features enable seamless adherence to government-mandated requirements. Its system allows for the documentation and tracking of hours in accordance with government regulations, ensuring precise compliance with labor laws and project-specific guidelines.

Transparency and Accountability

The transparency offered by WeWorked’s timesheet system is invaluable in the realm of government contracting. It fosters a culture of accountability among team members by allowing them to accurately log their hours, tasks, and project details. This transparency not only builds trust but also serves as a robust defense against potential audits or disputes.

Project Management and Cost Control

Government contracts often operate within strict budgetary constraints. WeWorked’s project management functionalities empower contractors to efficiently allocate resources, track project progress, and manage costs effectively. With features like budget tracking and project milestone monitoring, contractors can ensure projects stay on schedule and within allocated budgets.

Real-Time Reporting and Documentation

The ability to generate real-time reports is a game-changer for government contractors. WeWorked’s reporting capabilities provide up-to-date insights into resource utilization, project statuses, and budget allocations. These reports serve as vital documentation for audits, compliance checks, and client reporting, offering a clear and accurate representation of project timelines and expenditures.

Scalability and Customization

The dynamic nature of government contracts often demands scalability and customization in timesheet systems. WeWorked excels in accommodating diverse contract structures, adapting to changing project hierarchies, hourly rates, and reporting formats. Its scalability ensures seamless integration as contract scopes evolve and teams expand.

Secure and Accessible Cloud-Based Platform

Security is paramount, especially when dealing with government-related data. WeWorked’s cloud-based platform offers robust security measures, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive information. Additionally, its accessibility from anywhere with an internet connection makes it an ideal choice for distributed teams working on government contracts.

In the intricate landscape of government contracting, precision, compliance, and efficiency reign supreme. WeWorked emerges as a formidable ally, providing government contractors with a comprehensive timesheet system that not only streamlines time tracking but also enhances project management, fosters compliance, and ensures cost-effective operations.

By leveraging the capabilities of WeWorked, government contractors can navigate the complexities of their contracts with confidence, focusing on delivering quality results while maintaining the highest standards of accountability and compliance.

Small Business

Empowering Small Businesses: How WeWorked Time Tracking Software Drives Efficiency and Growth

In the dynamic landscape of small businesses, every minute counts. Efficiently managing time, resources, and projects is the cornerstone of success. This is where WeWorked, a comprehensive time tracking software, emerges as a game-changer for small business owners and their teams.

Streamlining Time Management

Simplified Time Tracking

WeWorked simplifies the process of time tracking for small businesses. Its user-friendly interface allows employees to effortlessly log their hours spent on various tasks, projects, or clients. This simplicity ensures accurate and detailed time records, enabling businesses to better understand where their time and resources are allocated.

Real-Time Monitoring and Reporting

One of the key advantages of WeWorked is its real-time monitoring capabilities. Business owners and managers can access up-to-date reports and insights, empowering them to make informed decisions promptly. This real-time visibility enhances accountability and aids in identifying productivity bottlenecks or areas for improvement.

Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity

Automation for Efficiency

WeWorked’s automation features streamline repetitive tasks associated with time tracking. From automated reminders for timesheet submissions to approval workflows, these functionalities reduce administrative burdens, allowing small businesses to focus on core operations and growth initiatives.

Customization and Scalability

Adaptability is crucial for small businesses, and WeWorked recognizes this. The software offers customizable features that cater to the unique needs and workflows of different businesses. Whether it’s setting up specific project codes, hourly rates, or user permissions, WeWorked adapts to scale alongside a growing business.

Cost-Effectiveness and ROI

Affordability and Value

For small businesses mindful of their budgets, WeWorked presents an affordable yet powerful solution. Its cost-effective pricing structure makes it accessible without compromising on the quality and breadth of features. The return on investment (ROI) is evident in the time saved, improved accuracy, and streamlined operations.

Growth Facilitation

By optimizing time management and resource allocation, WeWorked indirectly contributes to business growth. The ability to track and analyze time data allows for better decision-making, paving the way for strategic growth initiatives and improved client or project management.

User Satisfaction and Support

User-Centric Approach

WeWorked’s commitment to user satisfaction stands out. The software’s intuitive interface, coupled with robust customer support, ensures that businesses can seamlessly integrate the tool into their workflows without facing steep learning curves.

Continuous Improvements

WeWorked consistently evolves based on user feedback and technological advancements. This dedication to improvement ensures that small businesses using the software benefit from cutting-edge features and functionalities.

In conclusion, WeWorked isn’t just a time tracking software; it’s a catalyst for small business success. Its ability to streamline operations, enhance productivity, and facilitate growth makes it an invaluable asset for businesses aiming to optimize their time management strategies. By investing in WeWorked, small businesses unlock a world of efficiency and opportunity, ultimately paving the way for sustainable growth and success.

DCAA Timesheets Small Business

DCAA Timesheets: Compliance and Efficiency in Government Contracting

Government contractors and organizations that work with the U.S. government are subject to strict regulations to ensure transparency, accuracy, and accountability in their financial and operational practices. The Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) plays a crucial role in overseeing these activities, particularly when it comes to timesheets and labor tracking. In this article, we delve into the world of DCAA timesheets, exploring their significance, key requirements, and best practices for maintaining compliance while streamlining your operations.

Understanding DCAA Timesheets

DCAA timesheets refer to the meticulous records of employee work hours and labor distribution that contractors are required to maintain in accordance with the guidelines set by the Defense Contract Audit Agency. These timesheets are integral to ensuring that government-funded projects are executed with the utmost integrity, cost-effectiveness, and accuracy.

Importance of DCAA Timesheets:

  1. Government Compliance: DCAA timesheets are a cornerstone of government contract compliance. They demonstrate that labor costs charged to government contracts are reasonable, allocable, and allowable, as required by the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR).
  2. Cost Reimbursement: Accurate DCAA timesheets are essential for contractors seeking reimbursement for labor costs incurred during the course of government contracts. Timesheets provide a verifiable record of labor hours worked on specific projects.
  3. Transparency and Audits: DCAA timesheets create a transparent and auditable trail, allowing the government to verify that funds are being utilized efficiently and that contractual obligations are met.

Key Components of DCAA Timesheets:

  1. Employee Identification: Each timesheet should include the name, employee identification number, and job title of the individual recording their work hours.
  2. Time Entries: Clear and detailed entries for each workday, specifying the start and end times of each task or project worked on.
  3. Labor Distribution: Timesheets must allocate time spent on different projects, tasks, or cost objectives, showcasing the distribution of labor efforts.
  4. Supervisor Approval: DCAA timesheets require supervisory approval to validate the accuracy of the recorded work hours and labor distribution.

Best Practices for DCAA Timesheet Compliance:

  1. Accurate and Timely Recording: Employees should diligently record their work hours as they occur, ensuring precision and timeliness in the data.
  2. Clear and Descriptive Entries: Encourage employees to provide detailed descriptions of the tasks or projects they worked on, aiding in accurate labor distribution.
  3. Regular Supervisor Approval: Implement a process for prompt supervisor approval to ensure that timesheet records are reviewed and verified.
  4. Consistent Training: Train employees on the importance of DCAA timesheet compliance, emphasizing the significance of accurate and detailed records.
  5. Digital Solutions: Consider using digital timesheet software that supports DCAA compliance, automating the record-keeping process and reducing the likelihood of errors.


DCAA timesheets are not just a regulatory requirement; they are a mechanism for maintaining accountability, transparency, and integrity in government contracting. Accurate and compliant timesheets not only facilitate cost reimbursement but also contribute to successful contract execution and positive relationships with government agencies. By adhering to DCAA guidelines and implementing best practices, contractors can navigate the complexities of timesheet compliance while optimizing their operations for success in the world of government contracts.

Small Business

Mastering Project Efficiency: The Ultimate Guide to Effective Time Tracking with WeWorked

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, optimizing project management and resource allocation is crucial for staying competitive. One powerful tool that can significantly enhance your project efficiency is WeWorked, a comprehensive time tracking and project management solution. In this guide, we’ll delve into how WeWorked can transform your project workflows and help you achieve peak productivity.

Why Effective Time Tracking Matters

Accurate time tracking is the cornerstone of successful project management. It provides insights into how time is allocated across tasks, helps monitor progress, and allows for better resource management. WeWorked simplifies time tracking, ensuring your projects stay on course and within budget.

Getting Started with WeWorked

  1. Seamless Setup: WeWorked offers a user-friendly interface that makes setup a breeze. Simply create an account, set up your workspace, and invite team members to join.
  2. Intuitive Time Logging: With WeWorked, logging work hours becomes second nature. Team members can effortlessly record their hours, breaks, and tasks, ensuring accurate and detailed time logs.
  3. Project Creation and Management: Organize your projects efficiently within WeWorked. Assign tasks, set deadlines, and monitor progress, all in one central location.

Unlocking Efficiency with WeWorked’s Features

  1. Real-Time Collaboration: WeWorked fosters seamless collaboration among team members. Discuss project details, share updates, and monitor milestones in real time.
  2. Data-Driven Insights: Harness the power of data with WeWorked’s reporting and analytics tools. Gain valuable insights into project timelines, resource allocation, and performance metrics.
  3. Client Invoicing Made Easy: WeWorked streamlines invoicing by generating accurate client invoices based on time worked and project rates. Say goodbye to manual calculations and billing errors.

Tips for Maximizing WeWorked’s Potential

  1. Train Your Team: Ensure all team members are familiar with WeWorked’s features. Host training sessions to demonstrate how to log hours, manage tasks, and utilize reporting tools effectively.
  2. Set Clear Guidelines: Establish time tracking and project management guidelines to maintain consistency across projects. Consistent data entry leads to more accurate insights.
  3. Regularly Review Analytics: Make it a habit to review WeWorked’s analytics. Identify trends, bottlenecks, and areas for improvement to refine your project strategies over time.

The WeWorked Advantage

WeWorked empowers businesses of all sizes to streamline project workflows, enhance communication, and drive project success. By embracing this powerful time tracking and project management solution, you’ll experience:

  • Enhanced Productivity: Efficient time tracking leads to optimized resource allocation, resulting in improved project efficiency and on-time delivery.
  • Informed Decision-Making: Data-driven insights enable you to make informed decisions, pivot strategies, and allocate resources where they’re most needed.
  • Client Satisfaction: Accurate time tracking and transparent communication lead to better client relationships and increased trust.
  • Scalability: As your business grows, WeWorked scales with you, accommodating additional team members and projects effortlessly.

In conclusion, WeWorked is more than just a time tracking tool – it’s a complete project management solution designed to transform the way you work. By embracing its features and optimizing your project management practices, you’ll pave the way for increased efficiency, higher productivity, and sustainable business growth. Start your WeWorked journey today and experience the difference firsthand.

Holidays New Feature

Advanced Holiday Groups

Today we are introducing a highly requested feature that allows you to apply different holidays to different people. Before today, holidays applied to all users. This was an issue for organizations that have people in different countries. For instance, organizations in Austria do not recognize the same holidays as organizations in Spain. 

WeWorked’s new holiday groups allow you to define holidays in an extremely flexible way. First you define the holidays in groups. Then you assign one or more members to that holiday group. You are able to create an unlimited number of groups to accommodate even the largest of organizations.

Holiday groups are independent from the main WeWorked groups, so no matter how you have your organization defined, you should be able to configure holidays to match the way your organization operates.

The advanced holiday group feature is included with every account for no additional charge. We hope you enjoy this new feature and look forward to releasing more updates.

New Feature Small Business WeWorked Feature

New Feature: Clock In and Out

Today we are introducing our new clock in and out feature called WeWorked On-Site. Now all business types, including retail, food and beverage, and manufacturing, can easily capture time in WeWorked. WeWorked On-Site is a digital timecard, somewhat like the stamp punch clocks of the past. You simply set up a tablet or computer in one or more locations that users will use to clock in and out using a special PIN.

WeWorked On-Site can be configured to assign a default task or to allow users to select a task when they are clocking in. All backend features, such as leave tracking, can still be used for users that clock in and out.

No more keeping track of stamp cards or trying to total up hours from physical cards. WeWorked automatically stores the start and end times and calculates the hours for easy reporting. You even have the flexibility to require some or all users to clock in and out. Previously, users were entering start and end times in the daily comments. Now users can capture start and end times of tasks under the new Clock In/Out view.

WeWorked On-Site comes included with every WeWorked account. We are happy to rollout this enhancement and have plenty more under development. Please contact us with any questions, concerns, or feedback.

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