New Feature WeWorked Feature

Enhancement to Timesheet Timer

We made some major improvements to the daily timer.

How it worked before
Previously the timer required you to keep the timer window open. Closing the window would stop the timer. You also could only run a single timer at a time.

How it works now
Today you can start a timer or multiple timers for tasks. You can close the browser and come back later and the timer will keep running. The timer windows will no longer get in your way. You will no that a task has a timer running by the animated bouncing ball.

Give the new timer a try, and let us know what you think. Enjoy!


WeWorked Feature

New Feature: Task Timer

Today we introduce a task timer to help you keep track of the time you spend on individual tasks. You can start and stop the timer whenever you like. The timer will also add recorded time to the time you previously entered. All the math is done for you automatically. This is a great feature for freelancers and government contractors that need to record time down to the minute.

To use the timer, switch to the daily view screen.


Then click the timer icon beside the task you want the timer to keep track off. You must add the task to the timesheet before you can start using the timer. The timer will start automatically.

task timer

Once you finished working on the task, click Add Time to Task. Your changes are automatically saved and the new time is added to any existing time.

save task timer

You must keep the timer screen window open for the timer to work. Just open another tab in your browser if you need to do other things.