New Feature

New Feature: Change settings for users with pending invitations

Starting today you no longer have to wait for users to accept an invitation to adjust their settings in WeWorked. Once you send an invitation, you can adjust user settings for groups, projects, permissions, and more. This way new employees can be quickly and more easily get setup in WeWorked at one time.

Simply go to Settings and make changes as necessary. This will really come in handy as your company grows and new team members are added.

WeWorked is all about saving you time.   Enjoy!  Be sure to “Like” this post below.

Customer Service

Browser Requirements for WeWorked

We now prompt users using older, unsupported browsers that they need to upgrade. WeWorked is designed to be used with the latest technologies found in modern browsers. Modern browsers ensure you have the best experience. The application is faster, more responsive, and more secure. 

You must use one of the following browsers to use WeWorked:

Google Chrome (Recommended)
Internet Explorer 9+
Safari 5+

Try Chrome Frame for those that are required to use older versions of Internet Explorer.