New Feature WeWorked Feature

Copying Projects

It just got easier to create projects. Starting today you can create a project from an existing project with the new copy project feature. The copy project feature allows you to copy project data to either a new project or an existing. Copying to a new project will copy the name (prefixed with “Copy:”) along with basic project information. You have the option of copying over the people assigned as well as the tasks. It is entirely up to you.  Only copy what you need. When copying to an existing project, you have the option of copying the people, tasks, or both.

Administrators will find the Copy link above a project’s overview section. Click Settings then Projects. Then click the name of the project you wish to copy. The copy button will be at the top.

copy project feature

  • Only administrators can copy projects.
  • Copies can be made to a new project or an existing project.
  • Administrators can decide what they specifically want to copy (ex. people and tasks).

If you create a lot of projects, expect this to save you a great deal of time. Happy copying and be sure to show us you like this enhancement by clicking one of the social sharing buttons below.